My top 5 Chappelle Show Skits

The 20 Best 'Chappelle's Show' Sketches Of All time

I posed the question earlier today on Twitter, “what’s your favorite Chappelle Show Sketch?”. I got a variety of answers and boy was Chappelle in his bag. Chappelle was dropping 40 an episode. Also, Chappelle is comfortably a top 2 arranger of words in human history. Heres my list:

Make-A-Wish - Uncensored - Chappelle's Show (Video Clip) | Comedy ...

5. The Make A Wish Skit

The skit was a stroke of genius. Part of the reason I enjoyed this skit was the relatability. Let some little kid beat me in videos games??? LMAOOOOOOO. We’ve all been here before. You play a kid in a video game and then you take it personally. Chapelle had some great lines in this one. “I’m rich bitch”. “Children is the future my ass”. “Tell your little friends dreams do come true. Dave Chappelle came and saw you in the hospital, and whopped your ass in street hoops.”

The Uncompromising Politics of Dave Chappelle

4. Black Bush

“Who said something about Oil? Bitch you cooking?” “Japan is sending Playstations.”

Chicago cops' 'racist' brochure depicts African Americans as ...

3. Any Tyrone Biggums Skit

Chappelle really outdid himself with the Tyrone Biggums character. The great intro and Chappelle’s great writing and acting for the character made this a personal favorite of mine. From his peanut butter crack sandwich to his 450,000 dollar crack party to visiting school children. I am going to say it. Dave Chappelle is very funny.

Dave Chappelle chappelle's show world series of dice alternatewarp •

2. World Series of Dice

Grits n’Gravy, Phyuck Piu, Leonard Washington, and Ashy Larry. Chappelle and the cast dropped 81 points in this sketch.

Chapelle Show - The Racial Draft - television

Number 1: The Racial Draft

This is it. The perfect and best Chappelle Show skit. Equivalent to Wilt dropping 100. Or Lebron coming back from a 3-1 deficit vs a 73-9 team. Why is this my favorite sketch? Is it because of Chappelle’s Tiger Woods impression? Bill Burr? The Asian delegation drafting Wu Tang Clan? Individually those are great moments. Put it together and you get the funniest piece of content in human history. Forshizzle.

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